In this summer I began my weblog under (http://berlinhbf.exblog.jp/). Here I’m writing about my life in Berlin and the city itself. It’s a great fun for me. Fortunately more and more people are accessing my weblog. I think it's a pity that my friends from Germany and other foreign countries cannot read it, because it is written only in Japanese.
That's why I have decided to make an English blog, too. This is a big challenge for me, because my English is very poor. But I will try! In the English version I would like to write not only about Berlin, but also about my home country Japan with many photos, namely my hometown Yokosuka, my friends, Japanese culture, society, and sometimes politics. Of course I will keep reporting on the capital of Germany! The city is changing day by day. Here a lot of construction is going on. Berlin is drawing world's attention, because FIFA world cup will be held in Germany next year. It will be very exciting for me to report my second hometown.
As I said, my English is not good. In principle, I will ask friends to correct my articles before posting, but sometimes I may post them without correction. So if you find mistakes in my articles, don’t hesitate to correct them! I will appreciate any help.
So have a lot of fun!